Monday, 25 November 2013

A date shake.... power of milk + dates, a super food drink..load yourself with power

The world of food is full of such little miracles. Consider the date. "What have the dates ever done for us?" you may ask. Well, a lot as it turns out. They are nature's own little energy gels. It is only when driving about in a desert for a while that the pure genius of the date fully manifests itself. For quite long periods it's all: desert, desert, desert. Then – BOOM! – oasis.
And in the middle of the oasis, a tree that turns a tiny amount of water and a lot of sun into dense bundles of energy (not to mention calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, magnesium and lots of fibre). Not only that, but they can be put in a bag slung over the side of a camel (another one for the creationists) and kept indefinitely for long journeys.(the guardian)

1/2 cup (approximately 8 to 10 dates) pitted arabian/persian dates, coarsely chopped*
1/2 cup cold milk

Don't mind if there a few chunks here and there, the main purpose is to charge you up and you will be!

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