Monday, 31 March 2014

Super foods for endurance & stamina!

Whey powder can play an important role in helping the body synthesize a lesser-known antioxidant, glutathione.

“Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and it has many immune-boosting functions such as maintaining blood levels of other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E,” says Brian St. Pierre, CSCS, a nutritionist at BSP Training and Nutrition. Since supplementing with glutathione isn’t effective, healthy levels depend on eating a variety of plant and animal foods. St. Pierre says one limiting factor is the relatively rare amino acid cysteine, which happens to be in great supply in whey protein. By keeping free radicals out it keeps the vessels and organs in excellent shape hence giving you more endurance and stamina. Its in the top priorities of  atheletes.
super food guide 

Lengthening and widening the Penis Naturally - Superfoods

  • Butea Superba (Red Kwao Krua) : Astudy published in the journal Fitoterapia in 2006 found that treatment with Butea superba helped to increase the animals' sperm counts.
    While few studies have tested Butea superba's effects on human health, one clinical trial published in the Asian Journal of Andrology in 2003 suggests that the herb may help treat erectile dysfunction. Analyzing findings on a group of volunteers (ages 30 to 70) with erectile dysfunction, the study's authors found that three months of treatment with Butea superba extract led to significant improvement in erectile function for most of the patients.
Contains a natural concoction of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosine, which produce nitric oxide and increases vasodilation in the penis.
Improves nutritional support for erectile capacity
Dilates blood vessels in the penis to increase blood flow
Increase sexual desire/libido
Increase the fullness of erections
Causes penile muscle to relax
Restore sexual power & sensation
Free up testosterone
Increases your sex drive and endurance naturally
Increase energy & vigor
Improves penis size (diameter & possibility for length too)
Increases sperm count
Allows your penis to grow as any tissue on your body
Greatly enhances sensitivity and performance.
The Porn industry secret to growing massive penis (we don't support porn industry)  
  1. Super Food Guide

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Super foods for eliminating Belly Fat. Get a flat stomach in days

An extremely Scientific Approach towards getting a flat stomach

Many foods are healthy for you, but not all foods contain powerful nutrients that actually target fat, helping to burn it off for good. But that’s exactly what these superfoods contain! Incorporating the following foods into your meal plan on a regular basis is a great way to maximize results for a slim, sexy waistline:
  • Blueberries: Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, giving them powerful anti-inflammatory properties. (Wild blueberries have an even richer antioxidant content than cultivated blueberries do.)
    In addition, a study out of the University of Michigan found that when rats were fed a diet containing blueberries consistently over a three-month period, they showed a significant reduction in abdominal fat. In addition, blueberries helped to lower triglycerides and insulin resistance, making them a potent fighter against heart disease and diabetes.
  • Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds contain a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, which not only have strong anti-inflammatory properties, but also help to regulate stress hormones such as cortisol. By preventing stress hormones from peaking, omega-3 fatty acids can help you store less belly fat.
  • Low-fat yogurt: Diets rich in dairy have been shown to be effective in reducing body fat, especially in the midsection, which may be due, in part, to their calcium and arginine content. Calcium helps to regulating how fat is stored and broken down by the body, while the amino acid arginine has been shown to help promote fat loss and increase muscle mass.
  • Spinach: This dark, green leafy vegetable is a fantastic source of vitamin C, which studies have shown helps to return the stress hormone cortisol to normal levels after a stressful situation. This means that stress hormones will be circulating in your body for shorter amounts of time, helping to fight against belly-fat storage.
    A Super Food Guide Book - Different from the rest  

Thursday, 27 March 2014

superfood for reducing thighs and hips

superfood for reducing thighs and hips


How To Do Spot Reduction From Thighs And Hips?

 It is important to have a perfect body because fat in any body part can harm us in many ways. But then it is not very easy to have a perfect body as the process of losing the fat is often extremely tedious.  Often we find that the problem areas of the body which are hips and thighs contain maximum fat which just refuse to go. So if you want to do spot reduction of fat from thighs and hips then you should follow certain steps.

How can dietary change help in spot reduction from thighs and hips?
Always use olive oil and vegetable based oil for cooking. It is better to cut down the amount of butter, cheese and margarine from your daily diet. Also watch out the carbohydrate intake and try to restrict it. It is better to avoid eating too much of potatoes, white rice and pasta. Include dairy products in your daily diet and that should be skimmed milk and skimmed milk products.
Try and avoid having fried foods such as chips and also the fast foods like fried chicken and burgers. Fiber intake would help you decrease your fat and so eat more of oats, brown breads, bran, broken wheat, fruits and green vegetables and brown rice. If possible have fist for at least four times a week and have baked or grilled fish but not fried.
Egg whites in breakfast and lean meat twice a week are ideal for your diet.  It is better if you can cut the intake of wheat as these carbohydrates always accumulate fats in the hips and thighs , rather go for other cereals and use soya flour and horse gram flour if you want to have any flour product.
Eat heavy breakfast and lunch but go for light dinners. Your ideal dinner diet should be a plate of vegetables, fruits and sprouts and soups and a small portion of brown rice. It is always better to go for a walk after dinner. Drink more water and melon fruits too.
How can exercise help you lose fat from hips and thighs?
Walking would help you have nicely shaped hips and thighs and therefore try to walk at least 4 kilometer every day. If possible do lunges and squats but always do them in correct postures because wrong postures would cause pains. Trekking, running and jogging are also good for you if you want to reduce fat from hips and thighs.
Try this super food guide